Sending an Internal Office Relocation Letter
One of the most important parts of an office move is to send out correspondence to your office as quickly as you can. Moving can create some tension, so it’s important to word this letter the best you can.
Start out with an excited and positive introduction that explains why your company is moving and how it will benefit your team in the long run. Address all changes with optimism, but be honest about what is happening. If you are downsizing, it’s important to say so.
Next, lay out the plan! You should include:
- A general timeline with all milestone dates in bold or highlight,
- A targeted moving date,
- A list of responsibilities for your staff, and
- A meeting date to answer any and all questions your employees may have.
Your employees will appreciate having a letter that covers all the basic questions, as well as having a meeting scheduled for them to get answers on any other questions they have have.
Be sure to make this an official letter and make everything as specific as possible! It can be stressful to deal with gossip and employee fear, so be transparent during this time.
If you are looking for assistance during your office move, be sure to call the professionals at Washington Express Movers! We would be happy to do the heavy lifting for you and your team as you embark on this exciting new adventure.